Were you denied coverage by an insurance company…
For your Acupuncture treatment?
Your Chiropractic treatment?
A visit to your Naturopathic Physician?
Services by Certified Professional Midwife?
Treatment by your Massage Therapist?
Were your covered treatments limited (capped) unnecessarily?
Was another provider reimbursed for the same treatment, while your preferred provider was not?
You are not alone.
The CMC Story Album assembles patient and provider experiences of health insurance coverage denied to paint the true picture of discrimination against licensed providers that Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act was written to eliminate.
These stories will be presented to state elected officials and insurance regulators, companies, health quality and cost policy experts, and the Federal agencies that oversee Sec 2706. And they can make ALL the difference in achieving the promise of 2706. Check out examples in the list below.
Minnesotans: See below!
PROVIDER COVERAGE DENIAL: Massage Therapy in Washington.
PROVIDER COVERAGE DENIAL: Acupuncture in Colorado.
PATIENT COVERAGE DENIAL: Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon.
PROVIDER COVERAGE DENIAL: Massage Therapy in New Hampshire.
PROVIDER COVERAGE DENIAL: Massage Therapy in New Jersey.
PATIENT COVERAGE DENIAL: Midwifery Services in Oregon.
NOTE: Minnesotans!
Your bill in the state legislature has been tabled until next year. In the meantime:
CLICK HERE to add your stories!