HHS acknowledges probable 2706-based discrimination
Documented cases of discrimination against NDs: Sea-change at HHS?
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Documented cases of discrimination against NDs: Sea-change at HHS?
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A major response to the debilitating pain-opioid addiction afflicting New England
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UPDATE MARCH 23: MN Fair Care has introduced its bill, “Patient Rights and Provider Non-Discrimination.”
At its January meeting Minnesota’s multi-disciplinary provider coalition, MN Fair Care agreed to introduce a bill during the state’s shortened legislative session. In mid-March they did so. Read More…
Representatives of the recently formed Vermont advocacy group People for Acupuncture, testified in early February before the Senate Health and Welfare committee on their bill H.573. Read More…
In early February the state Office of the Superintendent of Insurance (OSI) announced the creation of a Network Adequacy Working Group for the purpose of “…revising the department’s policy and regulations on health insurance provider network adequacy.” Read More…
In a move that surprised and disconcerted Section 2706 advocates, Assembyman Ed Chau, the main sponsor of California bill AB 41 has withdrawn the bill apparently due to sustained objections from the state’s Dept. of Managed Health Care. Read More…
The Massachusetts legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Health will consider several bills with direct bearing on patient access to integrative providers and services in a hearing on Nov. 17. Read More…
In case your regular physician or anyone else (your insurance company) scoffs at the idea of using holistic / integrative therapies “because there’s no proof,” print out this handy sheet and hand it out. Read More…
Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raymondo signs S-168, bringing non-discrimination provisions of Section 2706 to health insurance regulation in the state. Nurse Anesthetists played leading role in advocacy.
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In May Oregon became the first state to pass legislation that replicates the provisions of Section 2706. In July its association of Naturopathic Physicians filed a class action suit on behalf of patients whose ND services were not covered. Read More…